Friday, October 07, 2005

Krauthammer Speaks, Finally

At last, Charles Krauthammer has opened his mouth on the subject of the Miers nomination. His column is headed "Retreat" in the version, and "Withdraw This Nominee" in the Washington Post. Probably he couldn't believe his ears when Karl Rove told him what to say, but then he read Ann "Anal Annie" Coulter's piece and decided to follow suit. Ann's column was titled "This is what ‘advice and consent’ means."

It was surprising to see Ann's nasty-mouth bitchiness turned against another female, and a conservative one to boot. It was downright flabbergasting to see that all Charles did was translate Coulter into Krapp-speak.

Loved the cute little lie near the end of Chucky-boy's column: "By choosing a nominee suggested by Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid and well known only to himself, the president has ducked a fight...." Reid suggested Miers? Yeah, right. And I suspect over the next couple weeks we will see that Bush has not ducked a fight, by any means.

Krauthammer and Coulter are normally such submissive lickspittle mouthpieces for Uncle Karl-- it's kinda hard to believe they would both go off on a tangent and criticize a Bush nominee. We know Rove has told them what to say. And we also know that Rove told Dobson what to say (or imply).

What do you wanna bet Miers is a smoke-screen, and both of our pet media whores will be shouting hallelujah to the heavens when the real nominee is announced? Leading up to that, I predict they will be agreeing that Miers should not be confirmed, while vocally criticizing the Dems' efforts to block her. Krauthammer and Coulter, sheesh! Wish we could lock those two up in a dark room and see who comes out with a sore butt.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Jobs for the Girlz

Our prez has appointed a woman who can't even pronounce her own name! Miers is pronounced "meers." What? She says it really is "My-ers?" OK, then she can't spell it.

Never mind.

You heard it here first-- she can't be confirmed by the Senate. Why? Because she is a Born Again Christian, so she reports to a higher authority. She can't take the oath without lying, which would make her a documentable hypocrite.

Damn. That never stopped Bush from lying his ass off. The only hope for sanity is that process will be drawn out till the end of the term, concluding with a firm NO vote so she can't score a recess appointment.

Then of course there will be a real risk that Bush will nominate somebody even worse. Wait a sec-- could this be a real sneaky way to get Gonzales into the job? I bet after the Miers confirmation hearings Gonzales will start to look pretty good. "I have good news, Mr. and Mrs. America. The good news is we aren't going to make you eat a thousand pounds of crap. We are only going to make you eat 950 pounds of crap."

Loved the story about Karl Rove talking to James Dobson (Focus on the Family, AKA Focus on Dobson)and telling him not to worry, she's anti-abortion. And then idiot Dobson saying "I can't tell you how I know this..." Shit, even the Daily Show picked up on that. Hope the Senate makes Dobson testify at the hearings.

How did Miers get picked? Rumor is Karl Rove spent a week asking all of Bush's buddies if they'd like to be a supreme court justice. When he got to Harriet, she said "Who do I have to blow?"

Can't wait to hear what Krap, uh, Krauthammer has to say about this. Wonder if he swallows-- his pride, that is-- and gets over not being nominated himself. At least he knows who he has to blow.